Creating external events can broaden your reach and visibility.
1. Navigate to the Events Page:
After logging in, click on Events from the left side menu to reach the events management section.
2. Begin Event Creation:
Click on the Create Event button and select the External option.
3. Select the Building:
Choose the required building from the dropdown list and set the status to Active. Click the Next button to proceed.
4. Enter Host and URL:
Input the host's name and the registration URL.
5. Provide information about the event including:
- Event name
- Excerpt
- Full description
- Category
- Location
- Address
- Capacity
- Display image
Set Date and Time:
6. Select the event date and time. Decide if the event repeats, selecting No for one-time events and Yes for recurring events.
Speaker Information:
7. If there is a speaker, select Yes and enter the speaker's information.
Email Reminder Schedule:
8. Choose how many hours before the event a reminder should be sent to registered attendees.
Attach Documents:
9. Attach any registration email attachments and make selections for reminder email attachments.
Finalize Event:
10. Click the Create Event button to complete the setup.
11. You have now created a new external event.