Creating a new user in LIV is an essential task for managing access and roles within the platform.
1. Navigate to the Users Page:
Click on Users from the left side menu to access the user management section.
2. Begin User Creation: Click on the Create User button.
3. Configure User Settings:
Select the Building: Choose the required building from the dropdown list.
Select the Role: Choose the user's role from the dropdown list.
If selecting a Technician, assign any applicable sub-buildings.
If an Admin, specify the permissions allowed for the Admin user.
If a Superadmin, assign any applicable sub-buildings.
4. Click "Next" to proceed.
5. Enter User Details:
Enter First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Phone Number.
Enter Emergency Contact information if applicable.
6. Complete:
Review all information, then click the Create User button to finalize the process.
7. Confirmation:
You have now successfully created a new user.